Record of study and important forms
Documentation of the training modules
A record of study (Studienbuch) is used to document the achievements of each candidate. Each doctoral fellow is responsible for obtaining confirmation of achievements. The record of study and compliance with training module requirements will be reviewed during meetings with the Supervision Committee.
You can download the forms for the (online) record of study here:
Bestätigung Forschungsantrag/Projektskizze | Confirmation on research proposal/project outlineFormblatt Beitrag zur Öffentlichkeitsarbeit | Form Public Relations
Formblatt Meeting Mentoringkommission | Form Meeting Mentoringcommittee
Forms for former paper version of the record of study
Formblatt Beitrag zur Öffentlichkeitsarbeit | Form Public RelationsFormblatt Gastsprecherseminare | Form guest speaker seminars
Formblatt Jour Fixe | Form Jour Fixe
Formblatt Meeting Mentoringkommission | Form Meeting Mentoringcommittee
Supervision agreements:
Betreuungsvereinbarung Dr. med. / Dr. med. dentBetreuungsvereinbarung Dr. rer. biol. hum
Betreuungsvereinbarung Dr. rer. nat.
Betreuungsvereinbarung Dr. rer. nat. (englisch)
Forms for medical students:
Bestätigung geleistete VollzeitforschungstätigkeitBestätigung geplante Vollzeitforschungstätigkeit
Formblatt Fall-/Arbeitsgruppenbesprechungen | Form case reports/working group meetings
IZKF medical students also submit the following form after completing their full-time research activity:
Vorlage Kurzbericht IZKF-Medizindoktorandenprogramm
When a candidate has acquired their doctorate (oral exam) and completed all training modules, they will be issued with a certificate confirming successful participation in the programme. A copy of the doctoral degree certificate must be submitted to the Life@FAU office for this purpose (it is also possible to submit the doctoral degree certificate afterwards). A preliminary certificate can be provided if the doctoral candidate requires this for application purposes.